Trip lindy

Music At the Trap: Triple Lindy

Triple Lindy is a Rock band from Teton Valley playing an eclectic and always changing set list. Our influences are rock, R and B, bluegrass, and jam rock.

Come spend the afternoon at the Trap enjoying some sunshine as racers finish up the Colter Cup downhill race! 


This event has no more occurrences

The NICA Race is this Saturday, 09/07/2024. Fri-Sat expect crowds and trail closures:  Bring it, Shakedown, Pika, Yogi, More Cowbell, Ricks Basin, Greenhorn, Roundabout, Lower Tall Cool One

Nice Marmot and Upper Bullwinkle DH, Colter's Escape XC, Teton Canyon Overlook hiking trail are closed for mountain maintenance. 

NOTE: Reservations will be closed from 9:30am -12:30PM on Tuesday Sept, 10th.