
IFSA Freeride World Qualifiers

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Some of the top adult Freeride skiers and snowboarders from across the western US will compete at Grand Targhee, on the slopes of Peaked mountain. 

160 Athletes will try to stake their claim as one of the Inter Mountain region top Big Mountain skier and snowboarder. 

Wednesday, March 8th Ladies Skier & Snowboard/ Male Snowboard

  • 9:00-11:00am Athlete registration & Check-in located in RCR North
  • 3:00-4:00pm Athlete registration & Check-in located in RCR North
  • 4:00pm Athlete meeting located on zoom or in RCR North

Thursday, March 9th Female Skiers/ boarder/ Male snowboard

  • 7:00-8:00am Athlete registration & Check-in located in RCR North
  • 8:00am Early load for athletes and coaches on Sacajawea lift
  • 8:00- 9:45am Venue inspection on Reliable
  • 10:00am Competition (1st run- Ladies & Boarders) on e
  • 4:00pm Meeting located in RCR North

Saturday, March 11th Male Skiers 

  • 7:00-8:00am Athlete Check-in RCR North
  • 8:00am Early load for athletes and coaches on Sacajawea lift
  • 8:00- 9:45am Venue inspection on Reliable
  • 10:00am Competition (1st - run- Men) on Reliable
  • 4:00pm Meeting located on Main plaza

Sunday, March 12th Finals

  • 7:00-8:00am Athlete Check-in on Main Plaza
  • 8:00am Early load for athletes and coaches on Sacajawea lift
  • 8:00- 10:00am Venue inspection on Bobcat
  • 10:15am Competition (Finals) on Bobcat
  • 3:30pm Awards (TBD)

ALL athletes and coaches must wear an avalanche beacon during inspection and competition while in the venue. There will be NO exceptions.

Gear storage- there’s no gear storage inside the base lodge, you must change and keep you gear in your car.

COMPETITOR LIFT TICKETS- $40 per day/ Parents ticket 20% off day ticket


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